
Contributions are welcome. Please report bugs and make feature requests with the github issue tracker.

Development environment

geedim uses the rasterio package, which has binary dependencies. Under Windows, it is easiest to resolve these dependencies by working in a conda environment. You can set this up with:

conda create -n <environment name> python=3.9 -c conda-forge
conda activate <environment name>
conda install -c conda-forge earthengine-api rasterio click requests tqdm tabulate pytest

If you are using Linux, or macOS, you may want to create a clean virtual python environment. Once the environment is set up, create a fork of the geedim github repository, and clone it:

git clone<username>/geedim.git

Finally, install the local geedim package into your python environment:

pip install -e geedim

Development guide

Cloud/shadow masking

If you want to add cloud/shadow masking support for a new Earth Engine image collection, you should subclass geedim.mask.CloudMaskedImage, and implement at least the _aux_image() method. Then add a new entry to geedim.schema.collection_schema.


Please include pytest tests with your code. The existing tests require the user to be registered with Google Earth Engine. Installing the pytest-xdist plugin will help speed the testing process. For conda users:

conda install -c conda-forge pytest-xdist

Or, using pip:

pip install pytest-xdist

You can then run the tests from the root of the geedim repository with:

pytest -v -n auto tests


Please include NumPy docstrings with your code. Try to conform to the geedim code style. You can auto-format with yapf and the included .style.yapf configuration file:

yapf --style .style.yapf -i <file path>